How to Improve Muscle Health [An Expert’s Guide]

There are tons of reasons you might be interested in learning more about how to improve muscle health. Most of them probably have to do with feeling stronger and looking better.

But did you know that the health of your muscles has huge effects on the health of the rest of your body, as well?


In addition to making you strong and helping you fill out your jeans, healthy muscles:

  • help you digest food by propelling food through your intestines
  • beat your heart
  • keep your blood pressure steady
  • regulate your metabolism
  • balance your hormones
  • protect your bone health
  • improve your cognition and mood
  • prevent age-related losses of function and falls
  • make you less prone to strains or tears

And unhealthy muscles lead to painful and debilitating conditions, such as:

  • muscular dystrophy
  • fibromyalgia
  • sarcopenia
  • rhabdomyolysis

Seriously — the health of your muscles is a big deal!

So, how do you protect your muscles and keep them in tip-top shape?

1. Eat a serving of healthy carbohydrates at two meals every day to make sure your muscles have enough glucose for fuel.

2. Eat a serving of healthy protein at every single meal of the day. This ensures your muscles have enough amino acids to build all the actin and myosin (contracting proteins) they need.

3. Eat plenty of potassium-rich vegetables and limit your added salt to make sure your electrolytes are balanced and your muscles can receive signals from your nervous system.

4. Stay hydrated so your muscles are able to properly store and burn glucose for energy.

5. Get enough sleep. This balances your hormones and promotes muscle protein production.

6. Lift weights 2–3 times per week. Weight-lifting puts a serious strain on your muscles and triggers the production of more healthy muscle protein.

7. Do weight-bearing exercises (like running, skipping or hiking) a few times per week. This protects your cardiovascular health, improves whole-body blood flow, and aids weight-lifting in protecting your muscles.

8. Stretch regularly. Stretching allows cramped muscles to relax, improves posture, reduces pain and helps muscles function better long-term.

9. Reduce stress. Reducing stress balances your hormone levels — just like sleep does — making it easier for your body to build healthy muscle proteins.

Visit for more expert guides on how to maintain a healthy lifestyle.